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Re: CGI Scripts and Permissions

Useres can only what you (as a script writer) allow them to do.

Killing others processes and deleteing files sounds like passing 
arbitrary commands to shells.  That's a bad practice in CGI scripting 


 On Tue, 12 Mar 1996 KGANNON@dit.ie wrote:

> If these question has been asked before excuse me I am new to the game.
> Has anyone had problems where they run all scripts as NOBODY (or something along those lines) and users start a war deleting each others databases,kill
> processes etc.
> If anyone has a non-wrapper based solution I would be interested in hearing ther input.

David Zlotchenko                       Phone: (01) (423) 974-6601
Research Services                      Email: zlotchen@utk.edu
The University of Tennessee            URL: http://www.oars.utk.edu/~zlotchen
